why content is king

Content can make you shine on Web. The better the content, the more relevant quality traffic you get. Content can take your business to peak but if it lacks originality, it can bring you down from the top. The choice of words, correct grammar and uniqueness helps you to expand your readership and grow a broad network of readers. Your content reflects your inner self, your thoughts and defines your purpose. Be Original Write what you think. Stealing bits and pieces of someone else writing will not take you ahead. Get yourself write the topic, you think is important and needs to be discussed with readers. It could be an awakening thought, a technical insight or might be a tip or advice. Inspire Your Audience Write effectively to grab the attention of readers. If your writing piece targets general audience, try to keep it simple and to the level of each person. Too much usage of flowery words might ruin the continuity and overall flow. Share your Thought It’s important to share your writing with like-minded people. In this way, you will get to know their feedback and suggestions might help you in improving. Reach out to those who want knowledge and are interested in keeping themselves fully loaded with information. Proof Read To make sure that quality is not compromised, proofreading is necessary. Your readers might get upset if they see a poorly written article having typo errors. Put Effort Brief detailed articles are more likely to be understood by people. A recent study has shown that Social Networks and blogs helped to reach 80% of the users residing in US. Around 23% of the Blog and Social Network accounts are seen to be online all the time. Whereas, 61% of the consumers reported that have a liking to those companies who delivers Custom Content. Growing Competition Many business firms have taken Content Marketing seriously and are now investing and even allotting a budget for it. About 25% of the Marketers are now spending a quarter of their marketing budget on Content Marketing. Around 62% of the companies outsource their content marketing.

<a href=”https://www.genetechsolutions.com/images/why-content-is-king.jpg” target=”_blank”><img src=”https://www.genetechsolutions.com/images/why-content-is-king.jpg” alt=”content is king” /></a><br />Infographic by <a href=”https://www.genetechsolutions.com”>Genetech Solutions</a>, See more at <a href=”https://www.genetechsolutions.com/blog/why-content-is-king”>https://www.genetechsolutions.com/blog/why-content-is-king</a>

Mahrukh Jawed is a Content Writer for Genetech Solutions , a leading IT Firm specializes in Web Development and Design, iPhone Application Development and Search Engine Optimization.

Mahrukh Jawed